A hearty “safe travels" to all of you involved in tomorrow’s MOLO.
Every year the Molokai 2 Oahu race is a huge challenge. Now, as the saying goes, "the hay is in the barn." You have done the work in preparation for the challenge. Now the time is coming for you to get the job done. God bless!
A very special mahalo goes out to Travis Grant and Hunter Pflueger, the two guys who collaborate with me on what it means to perform in process and get it sync with this enormous challenge. Through their efforts I’m able to experience from a distance what it’s like to get in the flow with the Channel of Bones. And, of course, to deal with “her” when she and her elements seem to be working against your progress.

That's Travis, giving it all he's got.

And this is Hunter when he was 16 (he's 19 now).
Travis, 35, is a pro in all possible ways who is simply better than most. Hunter, 19, is a man on a mission who somehow makes a huge amount of work, travel and training fit into every day of exhaustion.
May you both “Breathe your Way to a Great Race!”