Coach Brad

To win in sports, in business and in life,
you need to create a winning culture.
Refine your tools,
Gratitude, Excitement, Devotion,
You'll need them to get the job done right!
That's HiLevel!
But what is HiLevel?
And who is the HiLevel program designed for?
It’s for anyone who feels they’re capable of performing at a much higher level. It’s for you, as an individual, a family or a team. If you feel you have more to give. If you feel that you have more potential. If you feel you have room to improve your skills. And if you feel you have a lot more to accomplish.
The HiLevel process is designed to help you reach your goals. To make an evaluation of your present skills. To be clear about the results you want to produce. And to find the joy in the hard work that will be required to get there.
The process is not easy. You will need to learn some new ways to think, feel and act. You’ll be super-charging the skills and techniques required by the activity. In a family or team, you may have to sacrifice for the common good. You may also have to develop new communication skills, learn to speak up for yourself in the most effective way. You’ll certainly be adjusting your attitude, intensity and focus.
In short, you have to pay the price to be HiLevel.
And in the end, the price will be well worth all you have to do to get it!
I’m Brad Yates, founder of HiLevel Hawai’i. As a coach I work with individuals, teams and families to resolves issues and learn to give their best effort under pressure. I have developed a model for learning to live straight on, to embrace challenges and to turn them into a source of energy and growth.
Who you are as a person or as player at any moment in time has not been determined yet. From my clients, who range in age from ten and up, I have learned first-hand that we all have an infinite capacity to learn how to operate with a sense of acceptance. To find joy and/or value in challenges. To battle with distractions, discomfort and even illness.
The keys to this success are the principles of GED: The ability to train yourself to be Grateful for your challenges. To want to learn how to use your breath to manage your Excitement to perform with power and accuracy. To establish a strong work ethic to maintain the Devotion that allows you to complete the work and experience the joy and satisfaction of getting the job done.
I hope that you will find it easy to be engaged in the material that follows, to be inspired by the process and to able to balance the work with equal parts fun and value.
All of that is what we refer to as HiLevel!
- The HiLevel Process
You’ll begin the process by deciding what you want to accomplish. Do you want to improve your performance or resolve a performance related issue or both?
The first step is to define what you want to have happen in terms of the GED Model.
Gratitude: The awareness of what you want to accomplish. It is important to isolate the “why” that this is so important to you. Clarity of this importance can provide a sense of power and confidence associated with what is expected.
Excitement: The acceptance of the energy required to be able to perform at HiLevel. This energy will let you get up and stay up to embrace the challenges and at the same time settle–down and be calm when needed. The presence of this energy can free you up to feel inspired for the opportunity to perform at your best.
Devotion: The ability to balance the awareness of what’s expected with the acceptance of the energy to get the job done: To work hard and continue to experience the fun/value from your efforts.
Flow: The intense feelings of joy, satisfaction and success that are the product of learning to give your best effort under pressure.
The Steps
The Basic Training and Breathe Your Way to GED programs provide the base of skills and a performance plan for what you want to achieve. The additional programs listed provide advance training as needed and desired.
Basic Training
The completion of a Performance Profile, Performance Breathing, Performance Base,
Above the Line Training and Perform in Process. (2–5 one hour sessions)
Breathe You Way to GED
To combine GED Training, Performance Breathing, Power Breathing. (2–3 one hour sessions)
Going Beyond
Embrace Challenges
To Cultivating Gratitude, Excitement & Devotion in the face of the challenge. (1–2 one hour sessions)
Let it Fly
You give your best effort: you express your fire, intensity and passion and be accountability for your actions. (1–2 one hour sessions)
Tighten the Circle
To buy in to the program, know your role and support the team system. (1–2 one hour sessions)
Battle & Boost
A performance model for learning how to live life straight on, embrace challenges and turn them into a source of energy and growth. (1–2 one hour sessions)
Complete Healing
The creation of a specific result, utilizing positive thoughts, feelings and actions to produce the best effort and result, (2–10 one hour sessions)
Create a Winning Culture
Confidence that doesn’t waver, energy that lasts, work hard and recover quickly.
(1–2 one hour sessions)
Win the Race of Your LifeThe feelings that let you know that you have battled, you operate at acceptance, live with the results and learn from them. (2–5 one hour sessions)
Here's how the program integrates itself into your life...
Make a commitment...
You'll need to commit to the process.
Here are the stages you'll go through to develop your capacity for Gratitude, Excitement and Devotion while performing well in the face of a challenge.
Be aware of what’s expected, accept what’s needed and balance the work and pleasure gained from your efforts.
Get Started!
With Basic Training you'll learn to be present, mindful of how to make good decisions and focus on the proper emotions and sensations that signal proper form and technique.
As you move forward, you'll learn to combine GED Training, Essential Breathing, Performance Breathing and Power Breathing to achieve whatever it is you want.
Push it to the next level!
Give Your Best Effort Under Pressure
You'll learn to respond immediately to Embrace Challenges and to Tighten the Circle with your team and respond immediately in the presence of these challenge. You'll learn to Let it Fly as the team responds in the presence of a pressure packed moment, though out a very strenuous event, season and career. Then Battle and Boost to turn an issue that threatens your health, safety and survival into a source of energy and growth.
You're really close now!
Complete Healing: You'll develop the ability to utilize positive thoughts, feelings and actions to produce a specific self-directed recovery.
When you Create a Winning Culture you'll create an environment that breeds confidence that never wavers, the energy that lasts and the work ethic to give your all and recover quickly.
Win the Race of Your Life!
A lifetime of learning has given back the energy and power to live with serenity and grace. You live your truth and focus on acceptance and love in the present moment.
And there you are...
Ready for whatever life throws at you!
Learn to Operate Above the Line
The HiLevel Process involves learning how to operate “Above the Line” and to separate acceptance and positive behavior from resistance and negative behavior. When you are operating Above the Line you feel good about yourself, good about what you are doing, and good about the team. When you're Below the Line you experience a wide range of negative emotions about yourself, what you are doing, and, of course, about the team.
To operate Above the Line is to choose to be inner-directed and be responsible for your attention, attitude and actions:
Maintain present moment awareness, to focus on what is happening right now and resist the temptation to focus on thoughts and feelings that belong to the past or future.
Sustain a positive mindset and apply all of your positive energy to the people, places and things that are important to you. To achieve harmony of effort as an individual, team and family.
Be present, mindful and focus on the emotions and sensations related to performing the required skills and techniques with just the right amount of intensity and follow–through.
Let it Fly with Fire and Passion
Individual Effort
The time and energy it takes for an individual to complete the process of learning to give your best effort can be broken down into eight key elements: Clarity, Gratitude, Fire, Hilevel Performance Profile, Excitement, Devotion, Accountability and Fun/Value.
Interested? Contact us for a free 30-minute assessment to see if the program is right for you (see below).
Let it Fly with Fire and Passion
Core Group
A small group (4 to 8 people) that shares a common bond to a specific team, family or business. They are dedicated to building stronger bonds, resolving issues (make it pono), increasing leadership, and improving individual and team performance.
Interested? Contact us for a free 30-minute assessment to see if the program is right for you (see below).
The HiLevel Program
As a HiLevel Performance Coach, I work with individuals and their families in my private practice and with teams (both athletic and corporate) on-site as a consultant. In both cases, I work as a coach, teacher and facilitator.
My mission is to help individuals and teams perform better.
I do this by providing awareness of individual performance profiles. Teaching the HiLevel Tools and Techniques: the inner skills that include performance breathing, mindfulness, broad and narrow focusing and guided imaginary deep relaxation up to and including hypnosis. Presenting a curriculum aimed at guiding the participants to get better, resolve issues and experience the Power of Flow.
Individual Sessions
Reaching peak individual performance is an amazing experience!
The individual sessions usually last 60 to 90 minutes and often include the use of self–evaluations, exercises, psychological reminders and cues to reinforce important feelings, movements, actions and skills. In general, the focus is to complete the required work, to buy-in to the inherent challenges and to achieve worthwhile goals and feel good about the results. It's hard work but the rewards will be massive!
Group Sessions
Group work to match the particular goals of the group.
The group sessions involve building the spirit of core: the feelings of cooperation, the ability to communicate and the desire to work together in the process of becoming very efficient, effective and competitive in the market place. To operate at this level of leadership, the members of the core group must be able work with other team members and management/coaching staff to resolve issues and improve overall performance.
“HiLevel’s GED is a simple but incredible approach. When I get overwhelmed with all that’s going on, I pause, breathe, and think about my why. That why - and the gratitude for it all - motivates me to keep going and to coach myself through the challenge! Brad’s idea of ‘power and grace, flow and serenity’ is spot on!”
Karen Elizaga
Executive Coach
Author "Find Your Sweet Spot"
“HiLevel coaching would be helpful for anyone in any situation. Coach Brad's teachings have helped tremendously in my business, in athletic competition and in my delicate personal relationships. His unique methods like "The Pause," performance breathing and the GED system have brought me peace and allowed me to be my true self while living at a HiLevel. Mahalo Coach.”
Dr. Chris Yamada DDS
"Thank you, Coach Brad! HiLevel taught me how to use my breathing to be present, to manage my thoughts and feel the action in practice and under pressure. The HiLevel tools and techniques are now a big part of my wrestling and life. I know now that I have the mental fitness to become an Olympic athlete."
Teshiya Alo
Olympic hopeful 2020Wrestling
HiLevel Blog
The path to HiLevel performance is a life-long pursuit.
February 17, 2025Read more...Imagine standing before your biggest fear, heart racing – then turning that very fear into your...February 2, 2025Read more...Introduction I came to Hawaii in 1965 to learn how to surf. In many ways I have lived my life...January 24, 2025Read more...Hey Now! Have you ever seen an athlete’s eyes light up with newfound confidence? That’s when I...More PostsPerformance Breathing Training Videos
Performance Breathing makes everything you do, better!
Introduction - Part One
The Process
Learning how to inhale through your nose – hold – and exhale with just the right amount of force–taaaah!
Introduction - Part Two
The Application
Learning how to use the “taaaah–breath” to release frustration and to recover and focus on feeling relaxed and calm!
Step One - Settle Down
Let Go and Restore
Learning how to breathe your way to calm, clear and confidence: To know that you can complete the challenge, stay positive and manage any and all negative emotions.
Step Two - Be Aware
Make Good Decisions
Learning how to breathe your way to being present, mindful and focused. Where you are able to operate in the present moment, choose the proper mind-set and focus on the right emotion and sensations.
Step Three - Prepare
Be Alert and Ready
Learning how to breathe your way to being present, mindful and focused: Where you are able to operate in the present moment, choose the proper mind–set and focus on the right emotion and sensations.
Step Four - Execute
Experience Success
Learning how to perform with poise, power and accuracy: Where you are able to perform with confidence when it counts, get stronger and be more accurate and on task and or target.
Subscribe to Coach Brad's Blog
Interview with Coach Brad
Coach Brad was recently interviewed by Coach Daily App.
Watch this 15 minute interview to learn more about his use of technology with elite groups he's coaching.
Walter Roth, Executive Director of InWard Now interviewed me to showcase the work I do with special-interest groups, in this case, the group "Brothers That Breathe." They are a group that shares my passion for training ourselves and others to give our best effort in ocean races.
We discuss my program "Breathe Your Way To GED."
GED–The ability to be grateful, excited and devoted at the same time.
Gratitude Training – The ability to want to be present, to have the energy to get up and stay there, and to be calm and settle down to conserve energy.
Performance Breathing – The ability to settle down and be calm, to be aware present moment and be mindful and focused, to prepare and be able to see, feel and rehearse the skills and techniques required by the activity and to execute the movements involved with power and accuracy.
Power Breathing – The ability to develop a daily routine that uses the Pump and Clearing styles of breathing and to experience the Chill: a concentrated exposure to cold water or ice or both.
The combination of the Gratitude Training, Performance Breathing and Power Breathing provides the conditioning and muscle memory needed to perform in a matter that is deliberate and consistent with what you want to have happen. This state of mind, body and spirit provides a chemical response that will allow you to perform at your best and, with serious practice, experience the Power of Flow.
That's HiLevel!
What do athletes need?
Be grateful, excited and devoted.
© Coach Brad 2020